Altar servers: The altar server group is open to Catholic boys and girls, who have received their First Eucharist. Servers are rostered into groups, serving weekday and weekend Masses and Benediction. They are a joy! Their service is greatly valued in the parish. There is always room for more servers however, their commitment to the Liturgical times especially Easter and Christmas is outstanding.
Altar Society: Is responsible for the care of the Cathedral Sanctuary. The work is shared by groups of volunteer parishioners. Weekly activities involve cleaning, arranging flowers and other light duties as required. Kerry and Margaret Barrett are currently the Sacristans at the Cathedral – their dedication and handwork makes for a great difference to the Cathedral interior.
Armidale Catholic Men invites all the men of the parish to meet, New group in formation for men in the parish. programs and meetings soon to be established.
RCIA TEAM This group of dedicated parishioners help those who wishes to become catholic in their formation and learning of the faith.
Cathedral Choir: The Choir is an essential part of the Cathedral. These parishioners offer the utmost dedication and service to the Liturgy and to the various celebrations during the course of the year. The Choir currently practises Saturday mornings at 11am in the Cathedral. The Director of Sacred Music and the Cathedral Choir is Mr Warwick Dunham.
Catechetical Ministry: Parishioners are trained to attend Other than Catholic Schools and “hand on” the Catholic Faith. They are a truly dedicated group, cordinated by Mrs Kerry Steller.
Cathedral Cleaners: The Cathedral requires cleaning weekly. A contractor cleans carpets but volunteers are needed for lighter work (cleaning of glass/statues etc.)
Catholic Women Connecting Armidale Branch: (CWC) is affiliated with the Catholic Women’s League Australia and is dedicated to upholding the dignity of women through education and encouragement of their participation in social and community life. The CWC promotes the spiritual, social, cultural and intellectual growth of women within the framework of the Cathoic faith. CWC advocates respect for all people with particular focus on women and children.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word: This ministry is currently under review. Due to major changes in Church Professional Standards and fastidious attention to Child Care Legislation and Best Practice,
Collectors: At each of the Sunday Masses in the Cathedral, a team of parishioners in this Ministry collect contributions to meet the needs of the Parish, Clergy and Catholic Schools.
Counters: The funds collected each weekend require counting and a small band of parishioners continue this ministry mainly on a Monday morning early.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: These Ministers of Holy Communion assist the Priest to distribute Communion to the faithful. Currently thirty one parishioners are trained and commissioned for this ministry. Some sixty four parishioners receive communion at home/ nursing homes outside of Sunday Mass. This beautiful ministry to the housebound, aged and infirm connects them with the parish community of former times and with the Eucharistic Assembly as members of the Body of Christ. This parish ministry is coordinated by the parish secretary
Morning Teas: Family groups and others take turns to provide parishioners with refreshments after 10am Mass on a roster system.
Music: Groups of parishioners provide leadership for the congregation on Sundays and special days. Choirs are also formed for special occasions throughout the year.
Readers: These proclaim the Word of God to the assembly during the Liturgy. There are currently forty four Readers undertaking the ministry of the Word in Cathedral Liturgical life.
Welcoming Ministry: Groups of parishioners choose this Ministry, which can involve welcoming parishioners and newcomers, distributing materials (Mass sheets etc.) and selling publications.